
online work

Why Online Work Requires Extra Discipline as an 8-5 Job

Introduction Online work or working from home has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more people opting for online jobs. While the idea of working in your pajamas and having flexible hours may sound appealing, it is important to understand that online jobs require just as much discipline as a traditional 8-5

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Church service – 10 Amazing Ways TO Dilligently Serve

Do you struggle with where you should serve in church? Serving within your church community is a sacred privilege that allows you to not only give back but also grow spiritually and impact the lives of others. Just as the Bible illustrates countless examples of individuals dedicated to service, your commitment to serving diligently can

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Daughter being trained

How To Train A Teenage Daughter | A perfect 10 steps Mothers Guide 2023

Teenage daughter guidance is crucial because it has a great impact on their life if done right. Ever wondered how to guide them, what to teach them? As a mother, one of your most significant responsibilities is to guide and empower your teenage girl through the tumultuous journey of adolescence. In a world filled with

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Female preachers

Female Preachers, 5 Key Lessons

Female preachers, have a calling that requires unique considerations, perspectives and a lot of wisdom. The role of a preacher is fulfilling and impactful, it also comes with challenges and responsibilities. While trying to navigate this journey successfully, there are several key factors that every female preacher should consider. Therefore, we will discuss five critical

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praying to God

God, Powerful Prayers | Why Are They Not Getting Off The Ground?

God does not seem to be answering after fasting. Well, this is Why? You shout a full-throated shout. Hold nothing back, a trumpet blast. Shout. Tell my people what’s wrong with their lives. Face my family, Jacob, with their sins. They’re busy, busy, and busy at worship, and love studying all about me to all

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values and principles

How to Confidently instill Values and Principles in a child Easily (Early)

Do your children have personal values and principles? I researched how to raise well-principled children with strong-personal values. It can seem difficult, however, when you learn how to do it, it becomes the best gift ever, to your children. Let’s learn some new ways to improve the future of our kids. Parenting today has developed

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