4 Types of Allergies: Foods to Avoid


Did you know that it is possible to develop allergic reactions if both your mum and dad are prone to allergies?

Allergies are the body’s adverse reactions to certain substances that are otherwise harmless to most people. They can manifest in various forms and affect individuals differently. Understanding the types of allergies, identifying trigger foods, and exploring remedies are crucial in managing these conditions effectively.

Types of Allergies

Food – Allergy

Food allergies – triggered when the immune system overreacts from consuming particular proteins in certain foods. Common allergens include peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, eggs, milk, wheat, and soy. Symptoms may range from mild itching to severe anaphylaxis.

Seasonal – Allergy

Seasonal allergic reactions, also known to us as hay fever (allergic rhinitis) – triggered by pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds. Symptoms include sneezing, a running nose, watery eyes, and congestion.

Allergies 1

Skin – Allergy

Skin allergies, such as eczema, – reactions that happens when skin come into contact with an allergen. Common triggers include metals, latex, certain fabrics, or specific skincare products.

Respiratory – Allergy

Respiratory allergies – affect the respiratory system and are triggered by various factors like dust mites, mold, pet dander, and certain chemicals. They often lead to symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.

Foods to Avoid for Allergy Management

1. Food 

For individuals with food allergies, avoiding trigger foods is crucial. Reading food labels is necessary, as even trace amounts of allergens can trigger reactions. Common allergens like peanuts, shellfish, dairy, and soy should be avoided or consumed cautiously.

2. Seasonal 

While no specific foods directly cause or cure seasonal allergies, certain foods might exacerbate symptoms due to cross-reactivity. These include apples, cherries, almonds, and spices like coriander and cumin. Reducing dairy, processed foods, and sugars might alleviate symptoms.

3. Skin and Respiratory 

Identifying and avoiding contact with triggers is vital. For skin allergies, opt for hypoallergenic products and clothing made from natural fabrics. For respiratory allergies, using air purifiers, regularly cleaning and dusting the living environment, and minimizing exposure to pets can be beneficial.

Remedies for Managing The Allergy


Antihistamines, decongestants, nasal corticosteroids, and epinephrine pens are the standard medications to alleviate allergy symptoms for severe allergic reactions. Always use as directed by a healthcare professional.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies like saline nasal rinses, steam inhalation, and herbal tea (such as chamomile and peppermint) may relieve mild symptoms. Some believe local honey consumption helps build immunity to local pollen.

Allergy Immunotherapy

Allergy shots or sublingual tablets are forms of immunotherapy that can help desensitize the immune system to specific allergens over time, reducing the severity of allergic reactions.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Making lifestyle changes such as maintaining a clean living environment, using allergen-proof covers on bedding, and wearing a mask during outdoor activities during high pollen seasons can significantly reduce allergy symptoms.

Allergies can significantly impact one’s quality of life, but with proper management and understanding of triggers, individuals can effectively alleviate symptoms and live comfortably. It’s crucial to consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice and treatment plans to manage any allergic reaction and lead a healthier life effectively.

Remember, while remedies can relieve severe allergies, they require prompt medical attention. Always seek medical help if experiencing severe reactions or uncertainty about allergy management.

For other health insights and helpful home remedies

https://learnwithlisaprem.com/migraines-triggers-14-effective-home-remedies/ is a good read


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